North Shore Upholstery Cleaners: The Craft of Furniture Maintenance

Do you have an old couch in the living room? Greetings, everyone. We are about to get into the finer details of maintaining your furniture at its best on the North Shore Imagine you are enjoying a lazy afternoon on Sunday, when suddenly you realize that your upholstery has unsightly spots. Oh boy! Some days, it feels as though those stains were more stubborn than a mules.

Let’s begin with a little elbow lubrication because guess what! You can’t spend the rest of your life sitting on a filthy couch. First, vacuuming. It’s magical. This method gets rid of crumbs as well as hairs and other stuff that has nestled in your cushions. Steam cleaners are great for removing stubborn stains. In just one swipe, these pesky spots begin to disappear.

You use? Not all detergents work the same. Certain products can cause your furniture to feel sticky and soapy. Choose mild products without fragrances for best results. Do not overdo. Fewer is better, people.

What about the red-wine spillage that occurred at the dinner party of last month? Who caused that accident? Blot, don’t rub. I promise you, it’s not worth pushing the stain further. A mixture of white vinegar and warm water will be an effective and eco-friendly solution. It’s so good you’ll wish you had accidentally spilled some on purpose.

Professional cleaning? Oh, this is the real McCoy. North Shore doesn’t lack specialists that can handle all types fabrics. They can revitalize old chairs, sofas and perhaps even an ottoman left in attic. It’s a bit like furniture rehab and graduation day is looking pretty darn good.

Got pets? It’s hard to believe, but those little paws sure can mess things up. Use throws or covers to avoid direct contact. Consider using furniture sprays which repel fur, dirt and dust.

Likewise, rotating your pillows can allow fabric to breathe. This will prevent uneven wear. It’s similar to flipping the mattress, but not as much of a workout.

If you want to make your upholstery smell fresh again, baking soda can help. Sprinkle baking soda liberally over the fabric, let it rest for around 15 minutes and then vacuum. Presto! Odors, begone. Fresh air is also important. You can dispel any lingering scents by opening your windows for just a little while.

You know the old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”? It is better to prevent than cure. Regular cleaning will make things easier. As if by clockwork, cleaning your furniture should be done every few months. Consider it like a spa-day for your furniture.

Furniture with removable covers is a lazy person’s best friend. These are easy to maintain and can be replaced when worn. Both fashionable and useful – the best of both worlds.

You should always use washable markers for families with young children. My niece turned the couch in to a “masterpiece” once. The stains did not require much effort to remove.

Steam cleaning? The process is two-step. Always allow the fabric a full drying time after steaming. Moisture may cause mildew. And, believe me, no one wants that.

How to remove chewing gum from upholstery You can use ice to freeze it and chip away. Simple yet effective. It is also important if your home is on the North Shore to manage humidity changes. A dehumidifier is a great way to keep your furniture in good condition.

Carpet Cleaners North Shore
119 Fiddens Wharf Rd, Killara NSW 2071
(02) 8310 7640

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